Wooden Blinds

GW Construction wooden blinds

Have you ever considered buying an exotic window treatment or probably you have seen something like that at the house of your friends? Actually blinds as window treatments are becoming very popular in this day and age. And lets see why so.There is a great…

Interior Design For Everyone

GW Construction interior design

 When you are designing you house you need to take into account many factors. A great looking house needs to have many aspects covered. Everyone wants to have a great looking home, but not all of us know what actually works, read on to discover what impor…

The Perfect Workplace

GW Construction Home Office

It is one of the great dreams of our generation to be able to make a living without going through the hassle of the daily commute.     Thanks to the technological innovations of our times some of us can now work without going to the office, now they can  …

5 Things to Do Before Starting A Kitchen Design Project

gw construction kitchen

In deciding on what to do in hiring a kitchen designer a well thought out plan is necessary for any kitchen design project to be successful. A good kitchen designer should be able to work with you to create the design that will both fit your desires and n…